So, first, thank you laxSM, for your nice nomination!
And without further ado, here are seven random things about me.
1. I have (ahem) a bit of a shoe weakness

Sadly these are not my shoes but a girl can dream
2. And can generally find something to buy even if I’m in the middle of nowhere – I *love* to shop

Who do you suppose shops at this Prada store?
3. We don’t own a TV
When we get one I want it to be MASSIVE
4. But I still manage to be addicted to Glee
Sue Sylvester rocks; or at least that's how I "c" it
5. I collect cookbooks - obsessively
6. And a couple of my recipes have appeared in a best-selling cookbook

If you don't own this cookbook, you should
7. Did I mention I like food?

There are so many fabulous blogs out there, it’s hard to choose just 15 to highlight. So here’s a random list of food blogs that make my mouth water, make me laugh, or just plain entertain me. I hope you visit them and enjoy them too.